The Shining Nights VIP Club is a special group of Up All Nighters committed to raising $1,500 or more for WA families with sick kids.
Why $1,500? That provides a WA family 7 nights of accommodation with a home cooked meal each night at Ronald McDonald House Charities WA - you’re giving them a home away from home - a place to feel comfortable and welcome with the support they need 24/7, 365 days a year.
To be part of the Shining Nights VIP Club, you must be registered for Up All Night and commit to raising $1,500 (or higher) before 2 March 2025 and you’ll receive a huge range of benefits.
How do I become a Shining Night?
All you need to do is log in to your dashboard and set your fundraising goal to $1,500 and you’ll automatically become a Shining Night!
We would be thrilled to have you become a valued member of the Shining Nights VIP Club. Rest assured, we’ll be here to support you every step of the way to help you hit this fundraising goal.
Join the Shining Nights VIP Club today!
Who Are You Walking For

Allen Family Story

Strengthening workplaces through the power of giving back

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